Another waffle-making Saturday morning. It's been a while. Last time they were sticking, so this time I used a little more oil and that is helping immensely. I've gotten so I don't measure very precisely. Lately, I'm having that one little part of the circle that doesn't fill up. That's probably because I've been a little sporadic. There's definitely the intangible thing of getting a feel for something if you don't measure. For candy-making, it's essential. I was on pralines kick a couple of years ago and ran the gamut from ones that were too soft to those that hardened in the pan before I could get them onto the wax paper. As with most things, 1) practice makes perfect (or closer to perfect), 2) it's harder than it looks, and 3) nothing is ever easy. This last one seems to crop up all the time, especially in attempting new things on the computer.
I'm very excited that the new television season is starting up soon. Here are the premiere dates of my favorites, in order of how much I like them: Boston Legal - Sept. 22; Grey's Anatomy - Sept. 25; Desperate Housewives - Sept. 28; Survivor - Sept. 25; and Lipstick Jungle - Sept. 24. So not next week, but the next. This is according to AOL's website. I couldn't find the date for Grey's on the official ABC website. Seriously. See number 3 above - Nothin is Ever Easy.
Since I seem unable to multi-task this morning (too many burnt waffles), I think I'll close here and put my full attention on the rest of the waffles. I'm making a two batches - one to take to my parents. It's great to freeze them and just toast them. All for now.