Here are some plants I bought at Lowe's this week. Of course, they always sit in my yard for at least a week (usually two or three) before I get around to planting them. Lowe's had NO begonias. How can that be? Begonias are my never fail annuals. I saw some at Ike's, but hate to make a special trip. I need avocados, so maybe will hit Ike's and Fresh Market in one trip today. Of course, Ike's may not have begonias anymore, especially if Lowe's is out.
My new favorite, full sun plant, is a mounding zinnia. It's covered with small white or pink blooms all summer long. It was a happy accident last year and I plan to use it in as many full sun beds as possible. My others are vinca (sun), impatiens (shade), and asparagus fern (part sun) - I plant that in the flower boxes with the begonias and a little engish ivy (forgot to get that). Hope my ferns come back from last year, particularly my precious maiden hair fern. I need to cut back all the dying daffodil foliage which is burying the ferns. That's my poison ivy bed, so will have to suit up for that job. If I ever irradicate the p.i., it will be a miracle. Afer extensive research, I learned that the urushiol oil in the leaves can stay active for up to two years (in the dead leaves). So even the copious quantities of Round Up I used last year may not protect me even if I killed every last bit of the evil plant.
I'm also going to try yet another Shasta daisy and plant another gardenia. Cannot believe the gardenia I planted last year survived the winter. I have a hydrangea to plant, too. Oh and a pepper plant and some basil for my suddenly jungle-like herb garden. The thyme, oregano and rosemary are going crazy, as well as the pesky mint. It's nice to have them for cooking, but they're not looking very attractive - they need major cutting back.
Waffles are done and laundry's going, so maybe will get a few things done today. Happy Memorial Day!
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