Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth!

This has nothing at all to do with Independence Day, except it's a picture of St. Thomas, one of the US Virgin Islands. I was there, just about a week ago, and it's nice to visit such a beautiful place in the Caribbean where they speak English and take US dollars. There are probably lots of islands where that's the case, St. Maarten for one (a Dutch island). Only thing unsettling about St. Thomas is that they drive on the wrong side of the road - very unsettling, and dangerous for me, when crossing the street. I'd never attempt to drive there, or England for that matter. I'm somewhat dyslexic, so I think it'd be a huge mistake.

More about the great vacay in another post. Gotta get busy now. Tomorrow is waffle day - first one in about three weeks, so maybe I'll have a more inspired post then!

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