Saturday, May 31, 2008

Samuel Gompers, My Hero (or I'm on Strike!)

Only kidding, kind of. Here's your thing to learn for the day, in case you don't already know who Samuel Gompers was. In short, he was the father of American labor unions. I'm oversimplifying, but look him up in Wikipedia if you want to know more. Suddenly my life is so much easier now that I'm washing only my own clothes, buying groceries and cooking only for myself (mostly double fiber toast, pretzels and chicken salad). I feel like I'm back in college. It's great.

I didn't just get up and automatically make the waffles this morning. When kiddo woke up, he asked me if I'd made them. After I reminded him of the strike (I don't think he'd thought of waffle implications until he missed the Saturday morning aroma), he asked me to make them. I asked him if he thought he could be polite and respectful to me. He answered "Yes, ma'am", so I gave in. I think my code word to stop the surliness will be "waffles." We'll see how it goes. Even if they don't change their ways, I'll feel less resentment about being taken for granted. Now, if I can tackle the guilt about walking past the milk section at the grocery store. But it helps that grocery shopping is so much easier when you're only buying bread, pretzels, chicken salad and Diet Cokes!

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